Thursday, May 6, 2010

This is Ragnar Danneskjöld Speaking- Part 1

My first truth is this: I will never support any political candidate, party, or platform that does not seek to abolish the income tax, repeal the 16th amendment, and do away with ANY tax that punishes success, and rewards failure. No flat tax, no redesigned income tax, no simplified code, none of that. ABOLISHMENT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!? As long as there is an income tax, capital gains tax, and the worst fucking tax of all, the inheritance tax, what is the point? We are slaves to the government. You hear me BOY!!!??? You are a slave, no different then a black man in Mississippi in 1845, no different then a Hebrew in ancient Egypt, no different than a conquered Assyrian slave in ancient Rome.

Are we just carbon based life support systems for the government bureaucracy? Are the Terminator movies more fact than fiction? In that movie the machines take over, and the humans are just an engine for that machine. Or is that the Matrix? Whatever, the point is that those movies, whichever one it is, says that all we are are fuel for the machine. That's all we are. Fuel (taxes collected) for the machine (government).

What the fuck? What is it going to take for us to really revolt? To really scream at the tops of our lungs, THAT'S ENOUGH!!! NO MORE!!! Kick the moochers who are our slave masters to the curb. Let them swim or sink. I have a feeling that most will swim. I always wondered why the slaves of the old south plantations didn't revolt. They outnumbered the owners, so why not just take their freedom, by force if necessary, and become free? Well now I am witnessing the same thing. I see people that get abused, and just drone on, week after week, and year after year. Ask one how much they paid in taxes this year. 9 times out of ten the mindless myrmidons will reply, "I didn't pay any, I got x.xx back," with an excited and gleeful smile. Yep that's right, they are going on vacation, or buy a boat, with the money "they got back". It is up to you to enlighten these idiots that they actually pay taxes, and that they government considered all the money that you make to be their property, and they will allow you to keep what they want you to keep. It's your responsibility to wake these people who couldn't even name their own congressman up. I see people afraid of rebelling against the system, because they get their social security from them, and this guy will protect that, or this guy will protect my food stamps, or this guy will protect my Medicare. Stand up and fight you spineless cowards. I am liking the fact that some people are doing the whole tea party thing, and that's encouraging, but what can that be? Less than 1% of the voters? It's not enough. Get you pitchforks sharpened, and hold this new batch of people accountable, and start with this one thing. Nothing is important, if we are not free. Can you understand this? My love of freedom? I yearn for it with every bone in my body, and every fiber of my being. I don't understand how people can choose to be enslaved. Anyway, Start with this one thing. I implore you. Dont get sidetracked with repealing healthcare, solving the immigration issue, global warming, ending the fed, stopping the NWO, abortion, school choice, ending the war, and about 16,000 other pet issues. I understand your passion for these things, but really what is more important than being free? Nothing is.

Get Ready!

1 comment:

  1. Every issue except ending the Fed is a distraction. They have been pulling the strings in government since 1913. Its time to stabilize the dollar and return to the gold standard. The more issues that divide us the less the focus is on the ones with all the money. I know that that is a simplified, but the Fed is the biggest issue facing us now.
